15 Effective Niche Marketing Strategies

This article was written to reply numerous of the most regularly asked questions on this topic. I wish you find out all of this knowledge helpful.

1. Making More cash - Most individuals desire to make more money. They want to keep off not being able to buy all their needs and wants. You could object product niches for employment, home businesses, networking marketing, affiliate programs, employment advancement, etc.

2. Increasing Profits And Sales - Most businesses want to increase their profits and sales. You could goal product niches about marketing, copywriting, advertising, cutting costs, publicity tips, etc.

3. Making fair Investments - Most individuals want to get high returns on their investments. You could object product niches about investing in the stock market, bonds, futures trading, etc.

12 Steps To Success In Creating Life-Changing Income

5 FREE Resources to get your website built, online and profiting in 7 days or less.

3 Surefire Methods to gain immediate and highly responsive traffic to any website on a ZERO budget.

1. Step
Discover The Quick & Easy Way To Make Your Websites Look Even More Professional, Without Spending One Cent On New Software...

2. Step
Over 172 Individual "Profit Nuggets" Guaranteed To Crush Your Competition And Ultimately Unlock Your True Online Potential....

3. Step
My "Closely Guarded" and highly effective SECRET email technique that's fail-proof in generating "REPEAT" sales. (Free PC VIDEO and Resale Rights Included)!

10 Steps to Getting Paid for Your Marketing Materials

How many times have you heard the same sound bites come out of your mouth to your clients, prospects, and audiences, almost boring yourself to tears in the process? Imagine generating money directly from those sound bites, from those pearls of wisdom that effortlessly trip off your tongue. Yes, it is completely possible, and here’s how to do it.

1.    Capture those tidbits of information as soon as they come to mind. Jot them down in a notebook or get them into a Word document. They can be in a raw format, with just enough information to jog your thinking about what you mean. There will be time to refine them later.

2.    Let a couple weeks go by, allowing most of the information to surface in your thoughts. It rarely happens by declaring two hours on a Thursday afternoon to sit at your computer to think of it all.

10 Quick Tips For Creating A profitable List

Building and maintaining a high quality list of subscribers is vital to any marketers success. Let’s go over some of the most important steps you need to take to ensure you build a profitable list:

1)First, make sure you put up a good landing page. It should be well-designed and professional looking. If you don’t have any design skills then hire someone to do this for you.

2)Next, put a web form on your landing page and offer your customers the opportunity to opt-in to your mailing list. Give something away free to encourage them to opt in.

3)Make sure any freebies you give away are of the highest quality, because the subscribers on your list will judge the worthiness of your products and services based on the freebies they get.

10 Marketing Tips For Entrepreneurs

Nothing happens in business until a sale is made. Marketing is simply about getting new customers and keeping them. If you’re not doing something everyday to market and promote your business, your competitors are. Here are ten easy-to-implement tips to effectively market and grow your business:

1. Partner with large email database list owners and offer to cross promote each oher. The list owner will advertise your event, product, or service to their email database and you’ll offer to do the same to your list.

2. Create your own blog which is an online journal with frequently updated posts to entertain and excite existing and potential customers. It’s more personal and immediate then a website and keeps people engaged and hopefully coming back for more. You can even create one for free at http://www.blogger.com.

10 Incredible Ways To Sell Your Products Now

1. Make your reader visualize they have already bought your product in your ad. Tell them what results they have gotten and how it makes them feel. They'll already become emotionally attached before they buy.

2. Turn your ad into an article. It could be a story, or how-to article. This will lead them into your ad without them knowing it's an ad. They'll already be interested when they get to your sales pitch.

3. Make sure you show your reader that they are getting a bargain. Tell them the usual price you sell your product for is $99. Then tell them if they order today they can buy it for $69.95.

10 Income Streams You Can Add to Your Business

In a nutshell, multiple streams of income means your business has more than one way to make money. For instance, you sell products and you sell services. Those are different streams of incomes. But that's just the beginning. Below are 10 ideas of different income sources you can use to increase your business's bottom line:

1. Sell a variety of services. Or you can bundle your services into packages depending on what your typical client is looking for. But be careful about this one. Don't spread yourself too thin. You want to offer a few different services or a choice of packages but you don't want too many options because it's very difficult to market yourself effectively.

2. Sell your own products. These can be information products (books, home study courses, CDs, special reports, etc.) or they can be physical products. You can also group similar products into product lines. Then you can upsell, downsell or cross-sell products to different customers on your list.

10 Easy Ways To Keep Your Customers Coming Back

You want customer loyalty in your business. You want repeat business. How about making your customers into valued friends? Showing concern and empathy for their situation. The more your able to treat your customers as friends, the more business they will want to do with you. You'll watch your profits soar.

Let's go through 10 ways you can keep your customers coming back to you, time and time again. And you will no doubt make "friends" in the process.

1. Send Birthday Cards

Do you like to be remembered on your birthday? How about doing something really easy and sending birthday cards to your customers. Could you send a little gift with it? What about a "special offer" coupon? Free tickets to an event.

9 Ways To Network Easily

One of the easiest ways to increase sales is through networking and one of the best ways to network is to network easily. What I mean by this is to do things that come naturally to you.

Some of the ideas that can be helpful for networking are:

1. Join groups that you would be interested in joining. For example, if you like to run, join a running group; if you like to play bridge, join a bridge group; if you would like to go to church, become a member of a congregation. Joining a group just for the sake of networking, generally doesn’t work.

2. Volunteer to speak at events. You can start by speaking to small groups and then in time you can become more selective and speak to larger groups. Toastmasters is an excellent group to join to improve your speaking ability as well as another networking opportunity.

9 Tips To Building A Relationship With Your List

Now you know that you need a list and have started to build one. The next step is to build the relationship that will make the list profitable. Below are 9 tips to help you get that process started.

1. Unsubscribes are good.
The only way that you will not get unsubscribes to your list is to never send to them. Not everyone will like your personality or writing style. Those that don’t will never follow your recommendations so it is not a great loss when they unsubscribe.

2. Be yourself.
Let your personality come through to your list. People will buy from you because they trust you. Try to be something you are not and it will come through to your list and you will never develop that trust.

9 Easy Ways to Find More Customers Fast

1.    Email (opt in)

If you're not sending your own personal email newsletter you're missing a huge opportunity.  I don't care if you're an employee of a Fortune 500 company or a self-employed consultant.  You MUST develop you own email newsletter.

An eZine will allow you to build your relationship, credibility and trust with the people that subscribe.   Provide them useful, unique and pertinent information and watch your sales skyrocket.

2.    Pay-per-Click (PPC)

Pay-per-click or PPC ads are a very effective and cost efficient way to drive prospects to your website.  Whether it be a one-page sales letter or a "squeeze page" for them to sign up for your ezine, PPCs are an easy way for you to build awareness.

8 Dynamic Marketing Tips

Here are 8 dynamic marketing tips to help you increase your sales and profits fast.

1. Don't Just Sell Benefits

Don't just tell prospects what they gain when they buy your product or service. Tell them what they lose if they do not buy it. Most people fear loss more than they desire gain. Customers want your product or service to enjoy the benefits it provides. They will want it even more when you remind them of what they lose by not buying it.

2. Use Pleasant Surprises to Close Sales

An unpleasant surprise can kill a sale. But a pleasant surprise can help close a sale. For example, adding an unexpected bonus immediately before your prospect takes the last action to complete a sale will eliminate any last minute hesitation.

7 Ways To Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your List

An opt-in list can be quite crucial to any site or internet based company. Even for a small venture such as a niche profit site an opt-in list can make a world of difference and also add some extra income for your pocket. Rarely would you see an e-commerce site, big or small, that is without an opt-in list.

An opt-in list allows for a company to market their wares and site via an e-mail. With an opt-in list, a site and a subscriber consents to sending and receiving a newsletter from your company. Through this, you can keep your subscribers abreast of what is currently available in your site as well as whatever is coming out.

And because there is mutual consent between the two parties, any mail sent to the list is not considered as spam mail. There is a great number of successfully read promotional materials such as catalogs, newsletters and such that are sent because the subscribers themselves have signed up for them, meaning, they do want to be sent those items.

7 Tips To Save Money on Marketing a Business

The most effective marketing methods such as advertising in newspapers, popular magazines, on TV are very expensive for small businesses, especially for most start-ups.

Thanks to Internet, in the recent years, some very powerful, and cost-effective, even free marketing strategies have become popular.

Here are some tips to help you save money on marketing your business without sacrificing quality or results. In fact, some of them are very affective to boost your business cost effectively and fast. Implement them repeatedly and save a lot of money and time while attracting hundreds of thousands of more visitors to your website.

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7 Small Business Marketing Tips

Here are 7 low-cost but highly effective marketing tips to help any small business find customers and generate sales quickly.

1. Don't Advertise Like a Big Business

Big businesses advertise to create name recognition and future sales. A small business can't afford to do that. Instead, design your advertising to produce sales ...now. One way to accomplish this is to always include an offer in your advertising - and an easy way for prospective customers to respond to it.

2. Offer a Cheaper Version

Some prospective customers are not willing to pay the asking price for your product or service. Others are more interested in paying a low price than in getting the best quality. You can avoid losing sales to many of these customers by offering a smaller or stripped down version of your product or service at a lower price.

7 Questions Consumers Ask Before Buying Your Product

1.  What's the deal?
Customers want to know what they are getting into before they open up their wallet.  One of the best ways to upset them is to give them unexpected fees at the last minute.  Make the deal plain and simple... no unexpected and unpleasant surprises.

2.  How do I benefit?
Let's face it... customer really don't give a hoot about who you are, your hard earned credentials or your company history.  They want to know "what this product will do for me?"  Spend your time wisely;  emphasize the benefits the consumer will enjoy... and you've got a sale!

3.  How soon?
Our economy has come to expect immediate gratification.  The quicker your customer has the purchase in his hands, the happier he is.  Invest in quicker service, for higher sales volume and increased customer satisfaction.

7 Positive Ways to Turn Complaints into Assets

1. Be Prepared...
Let's face it...you can please some of the people all the time, but you'll never manage to please all of the people all the time.  There will be unhappy customers...that's the way life is.  There's not a lot you can do about it...or is there?  Being prepared to take a loss to keep a customer happy may seem like poor business sense at first glance, but think of it this way...if you make him happy today, he'll reward your efforts by returning to your store time and time again.  Yep, taking a loss today, will pay off in the long run.

2. Be Ready with a "Quick Fix"...
Dissatisfaction multiplies at a rapid rate!  Have you ever complained and waited...and waited...and waited for someone to get back to you?  Yeah, the whole time you're impatient and disgruntled the problem seems to grow bigger.  Let your unhappy customer know that you are getting right on the problem.  Even if it can't be fixed immediately, he'll know that it's important and a high priority. 

7 Mortgage Marketing Tips for Loan Officers

It is my intention that these marketing tips will help you avoid common mistakes made by the majority of loan officers. Heed this advice!

Mortgage Marketing Tip #1

Make your advertising and print media more effective by having a headline on everything: letters, greeting cards, ads, everything.

Headlines are what get the reader. They make them want to read more. They tell the reader what benefit he/she will get from reading more. And that's exactly what you want them to do.

7 Key Strategies to Earn Customer Loyalty

The key of your business success is building customer loyalty. Holding on to existing customers is as important as soliciting new customers to keep feeding your list with fresh subscribers. Customer loyalty is the key to your business growth and profit. Because loyal customers generate a continual revenue stream through repeat purchases, they bring your business-increased profitability at a lower cost.

Like in any other moneymaking system, to succeed as an email marketer, you will need to understand all the secrets that are available to keep growing your business and apply them immediately.

How to Build a Business Relationship to Gain Customer loyalty!

7 Quick Fixes Every Marketer Needs To Know About

When your profits begin a downhill slide or just seem at a stalemate, you scratch your head and ask a thousand times, "What am I doing wrong?"  Well, the truth is that you may not be doing anything "wrong", but there may be some things you could do to bring about a change.  The next time you're up against a brick wall, try implementing these techniques into your marketing campaign, and watch those blues disappear!

1.  Change Your Advertising Focus
Hey, everyone is a prospective customer, but let's face it... not everyone is interested in what you have to offer.  Why waste advertising dollars on those who don't even pay attention?

Find your niche.  Identify the audience with the greatest need for what you have, and learn all you can about them.  Become a specialist who knows what they need, and advertise directly to them.  You're customer conversion rate will soar!

6 Ways To Use Customer and Sales Newsletters

Sell More Higher-Margin Products
Businesses that find they're not earning much profit, despite strong sales, may have allowed low-margin products to become their mainstay.

A newsletter can emphasize higher margin products, among both customers and employees. For employees, reiterate the benefits (for them and the company) of selling a product or set of products with a higher profit margin. For customers, let them know these products exist, how to buy them, and outline the benefits of using them.

Go From Commodity To Branded Status
Control over pricing is one important advantage a branded product provides over a commodity. Of course, the process of moving a product to branded status starts with incorporation of some value-added feature. But once you add that value you want to make sure your customers know.

5 Winning Strategies For MLM Success

1  Find Your Niche
Sure you want everyone to benefit from the opportunity for freedom you have to offer, but face it... not everyone has an interest in extracting themselves from their comfort zone.  Successful MLM marketers are willing to step out on a limb, and to change themselves.  No, it's not for everyone.

Who are the people most likely to be ripe for a change?  Identify your prospects, and target your marketing strategies toward them.  Don't waste time and energy casting your pearls before the swine.  Invest where it counts.

2.  Invest In Low Cost Leads
Bigger isn't always better, though we tend to think so!  Small ads, postcards, and other low cost advertising methods are powerful advertising agents.  They're small, too the point and effective... generating a higher than average percentage of inquiries.

5 Top Product Promotion Strategies

One of the biggest myths of the Internet is the good old line, “If you build it they will come …” So many people throw up a website and sit back rubbing their hands with glee convinced they are going to become supremely wealthy.

Months later they are wringing their hands with regret wondering why they’ve had five visitors, four of which were their friends!

A website does not just automatically appear high in the search engine rankings and get traffic, you have to do some work in order to get this traffic and start making sales. There are thousands, or even more of sites competing for the same traffic you want – depending on your niche and keywords, there could be millions of sites!

5 Tips To Roll Customers Your Way With Promotional Items

Hopefully, you've had a few promotional items that have been total failures, ones that you thought were totally fabulous but turned out to be complete flops.

What, you're asking, I'm hoping you've had some failures in the promotional items area?  What kind of person am I, anyway?

I'm a person who wants you to have some experience being sold promotional items and products that never work so you won't be taken by them again, but are, instead, ready to break the mold and hit it big with your promotions.

5 tips to invest and do business in China

1. Have clear understanding of China

It is essential to understand the culture of the country before investing in it. Understanding China is vital as China is a land of vast diversity. As such it is important for the company to understand the culture and the society’s values before establishing operations in China. Only through understanding the culture and values strong foundations can be built and higher chance of success can thus be achieved.

4 Sale Thieves You Need To Be On The Lookout For

Many successful marketers began their careers as children setting up a lemonade stand or selling newspapers.  Years of experience and exposure to more mature and intricate marketing techniques change a lot of things, but there is one aspect that is no different between selling glasses of lemonade and Internet marketing... customers have the power to decide whether or not to buy your product.

Yeah, the products and marketing methods are changing constantly, but the driving force that motivates sales remains unchanged... so do the 4 things that steal sales right out from under your nose.

1.  The "I don't need it" attitude.
Let's face it... need has little to do with what people buy or don't buy in the American culture.  Want has everything to do with whether they do or don't buy.  The most crucial aspect of getting a high number of sales is targeting the right market.  It does little good to advertise to people who really aren't interested.

3 Steps to Successfully Build a Team in any Program

Any x by y matrix plan has one big risk... but also one big advantage.

The biggest risk: People in your downline might think they don't have to promote and just wait for your spillover.

The biggest advantage: Still, it's a great way to build a deep team quick... if you and the people in your team understand that they shouldn't just sit and wait for it to happen.

The following 3 steps you need to follow and teach to build a successful team:

1. Find 2 people... It doesn't really matter if it's e.g. a 2x15 forced matrix or wider. If the matrix is wider than 2, or even unlimited wide, I recommend to start with 2 and then go wider when your team has been fully build at least 4 levels deep.

3 Steps To Getting Highly Motivated Prospects Or Customers

With the many ways to advertise, it is easy to sometimes be in a rush to just get something out somewhere. But, no matter where you plan to advertise, there are several basic fundamentals that will help create advertisements that are effective and profitable. Here are three that will get you headed in the right direction.

1. First on the check list is; is your unique selling position (USP) clear and provoking?

You need to find out what makes your business different from that of your competitors. From that, you can develop a strategy based on the strengths or even weaknesses of those differences. Actually, good marketers identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOTs) and develop their strategy from those factors. Here is an example of a USP that stems from a companies weakness:

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3 Reasons You Should Attend Seminars

If you have never gone to an online marketing seminar, you're missing out.

I know what you're thinking...

"Seminars are expensive."

That's true. They are. Some of 'em cost over $5,000. Even the lower-priced parties are around $2,000.

"It's a pain in the butt to attend."

Again, that's fair. In order to go, you have to get on a plane and fly somewhere. And you have to take time from your work and family to do it.

But, there are at least 3 reasons that attending seminars should be on your priority list (even if you DON'T plan to do a major product launch).

3 Reasons Why The Copy You Hate Will Bring Profits You Love

Every copywriter's nightmare. We write beautiful copy for a client, who takes one look and says, "You can't be serious! This is too sales-y...or too simple...or too different..."

And I'm reminded of the days, many years ago, when I volunteered as a Pet Adoption Counselor with the San Francisco SPCA. Looking back, I must have been training for what I do now. I had lots of enthusiasm. People often teased, “You’re selling cats!” Sure enough, many visitors went up with a crate holding a furry bundle of joy.

Our Volunteer Coordinator kept reminding us, “Don’t judge the visitors. You’re not going home with this person. The adopter who drives you crazy may be the best thing that ever happened to a dog.”


3 Free Website Marketing Ideas

Online marketing is not cheap. You can spend thousands of dollars on Pay Per Click (Google Adwords) and thousands of site-targetted dollars (AdBrite), and you can spend thousands just buying text links from individual sites. Trust me, I've spent thousands on advertising.

However, my favorite form of marketing is the free kind. Anything free I like, especially if it helps my websites make more money without increasing my advertising costs.

Here are three easy and quick ways to market your website at no additional cost.

3 Reasons Why Every Business Needs A Newsletter

There are many benefits you and your business can reap from publishing your own newsletter.

1. Keeping In Touch -- Your customers and clients are the lifeblood of your business. What better way to stay in touch with your existing customers than through a newsletter? A newsletter allows you to add personal touches to your relationship and celebrate milestones, both your own and your client's. In addition to furthering your relationship with your clients, a newsletter can also allow you to introduce new products, offer special sales or discounts to your existing client base, and encourage referrals.

2. Hook In New Customers -- Unless they have an immediate need or came to you through a powerful referral, most potential customers won't buy right away. Often they will shop around and compare which means you will likely never see them again. However if you have a free newsletter that offers interested clients the opportunity to learn more about you, your business, and your products for free and they can also learn more about your interaction with your existing customers. A newsletter can be a very simple strategy to turn a one-time visitor into a lifetime customer.

3 Reasons Why Adsense Is Essential For Content Sites

The concept is really simple, if you think about it. The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will pull advertisements from the Adsense program. The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the search engine for the click.

The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a time-consuming task in itself. It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of information search engines are providing and are more focused in making cash from these search engines.

3 Quick And Easy Ways To Build A Profitable Opt In List

You finally realize that you need a good opt-in list. After reading countless articles and sought expert advices and have read many success stories of people creating a small fortune with opt-in lists you finally decide to have one of your own. Then it happens, you think you have known everything there is to know about opt-in lists and have followed their advices to the T and you still weren’t able to make a profit.

In fact, you may be losing money. You maybe hiring writers to help you out, or there are some expenses incurred, even if you have a big list, but only a very small percentage actually buys from you, your still losing profit. You’ll realize that after a few months when you see your statistics and sales figures.

So what could have gone wrong? Why have others succeeded where you have failed? The most common mistake is that you dived straight right in. You chose a topic where you think could be quite popular and would earn you money. This just not the case. Just because you wrote people from the list doesn’t mean they are going to buy instantly.

3 Proven Methods For Turning Away Customers and Losing Money

Are you your own worst marketing enemy?  Hey, I'm sure you wouldn't intentionally turn customers away... but we all make mistakes.  In the following article you'll find some tried and true ways to lose sales and kiss your profits goodbye!

1.  Distract Them
You know what I'm talking about.  You've been to Web pages where there were a TON of clickable links.  You start clicking away, get 10 screens open... and yeah, you forget which is the original site and why the heck you were there in the first place!

This one is especially true for Internet marketers.  Let me ask you... how many clickable links are on your Web page?  Don't send your customers to other places before you've made a sale.  Once a prospect heads out for greener pastures, they'll probably never find their way back. 

3 Powerful Tactics That Motivate Customers To Buy

Wooing customers is a little bit like dating.  No, you can't present the engagement ring on your first date!  There's a two-way relationship that grows one step at a time before it leads to the church doors.  You can't rush it... you can't skip it... if you're looking for the satisfaction of a life-long commitment.

Getting to know your date, or getting to know your customer takes a little time and effort.  The personality, likes and dislikes of each date are different, but customers share some commonalities that you, the marketer, can grab onto.  Give them what they want, and they'll become the loyal, life-time customers that make your business prosper.

1.  Forget About Selling... Put The Emphasis On Buying
People like to think that all of their buying decisions were reached due to their own great ideas and skillful shopping.  Hey, no one is fond of a pushy salesman.  A salesman who "HELPS" them discover the best buy for their buck on the other hand, is a hero. 

3 Popular Niche Marketing Misconceptions

Specializing in Niche Markets has never been as crucial as it is today. Long gone are the days when you can target general, broad markets and make money from them.

To make money in today's Internet Marketing environment, one must specialize in well defined niche topics.

Lets examine a few misconceptions when it comes to niche marketing.

Misconception #1: You do not have to be an expert in the Niche field you choose!

Everyone says you should only choose a Niche that you are an expert in...nonsense!

3 Plans to Expand You Business That You Don't Want to Miss Out On

1.  Find Your Niche
Chances are, you already have a target audience that you are marketing your products to.  Let's face it, you're probably looking for ways to increase your market audience and profit...or you probably wouldn't be reading this article.  Here's the real facts... you don't have to find a wider audience to increase you sales.

Have you noticed similar characteristics that groups within your target audience have in common?  Maybe you have a group of businessmen, a group of young mothers, and a group of retirees that frequently make purchases.  That is just the set-up I'm talking about.

Pay attention to the individual characteristics of each group, and divide your advertising into similar segments, or niches.  Focus on the specific needs of the group in the advertising products you put out.  General advertisements are not as effective as more specific ads.  Hey, we all sit up and pay attention to someone who recognizes our specific needs and desires!

3 Must-Have Strategies to Stay on the Cutting Edge

1.  Explore New Advertising Methods
The first sign that you might need to explore new marketing strategies, is a sharp decline in the effectiveness of your advertisment campaign.  Yeah, you shell out a lot of hard earned cash to advertise, and the public turns its nose up!  Don't wait until your profits are plunging to start hunting for new marketing strategies.

Keep searching for the pot of gold.  The whirlwind of change that continuously sweeps through the marketplace offers great opportunity for discovering new advertising mediums. Be on the lookout for one that will set you up for brand new heights of success.

Here's the rule of thumb for advertising:  Keep 80 percent of your advertising budget invested in the "tried and true" methods that bring in a steady flow of profit, and invest 20 percent into the exploration of new ways to get  your message to potential customers.

3 Secrets to Knocking Out Big Competitors

Nobody likes a bully… especially small business marketers.  If you’ve ever felt like the little guy taking punches from a heavyweight champion, you know what I’m talking about.  Big business has donned its gloves, and is waiting to put small business down for the count.

I’ve got good news!  Sometimes the little guy wins.  Heck, it isn’t easy and sometimes it’s a close call, but little guys do win and when they do… victory is sweet!

3 Tips To Building A Responsive List

I just bought a product after being on a list for over two years. I hadn't spent one red cent with this guy for two years, but like clockwork, his e-mails just kept coming.

Day after day after day. Week after week.

I finally gave in and purchased his product recently (it's in a field WAY outside marketing).

Why did I stay on his list for so long? And why did I finally pony up the cashola for his product?

It's because he had taught me to respond. Just like he taught everyone on his list to respond.

How did he do it? Lucky for you, I'm a sharing guy.

Here are three things he did to build a responsive list...

3 Reasons Postcards Are The Best Way To Advertise

When I say postcard, maybe you think of the old fashioned, jagged edged dull pieces of card stock.  Think again!  Today's postcards are vibrant, high-impact creations with clip art so real that it'll jump off the page at you.  And the best thing about them...

1. They're Short and Personal
Let's face it, people just don't have time to sort through a lot of advertisements and junk mail.  If the truth be known, they immediately identify ads and pitch them into the trash without ever slitting the envelope.

Postcards get read!  It's already open, and the message is "in your face" without exerting any effort to absorb it.  Even if the reader isn't trying to read it, he'll get the impact of the short message before he tosses it.

Personal messages have a greater appeal than mass mailings. Postcards keep the old time charm of a personal greeting while implement new high tech marketing strategies... a combination for success.

3 Must-See Keys For Expanding Your Business

1.  Team Up
No one knows your market like you!  What are the main characteristics of your target audience?  Find someone else out there who isn't a competitor, but who reaches the same class of customers that you do.  Team up with them to do joint promotions!

We all know that two is better than one.  The dramatic end results will be an effective and cost-cutting advertising venture the nets both of you a nice profit. 

I once dealt with a veterinarian who promoted a local dog groomer... who in turn promoted the local veterinarian.  Yeah, it's kind of a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" set up, but hey it works for both parties.  Think about it... customers are going to feel that the dog groomer is in the know about who the best vet in town is, as well as trust the vet to know who is the best dog groomer in the area.  Sure, it's a win, win situation for both the groomer and the vet.

3 Marketing Tactics That Will Send Your Sales Through The Roof

When the tide comes in, all boats in the harbor go up... the tough part is figuring out how to bring the tide in.  Booming economies come and go and bring surges of profit increases,  then ebb to leave behind shortages and tough times.  Regardless, there are some business that just seem to weather the tough times with grace, not really affected by recessions.  It's almost as though they have a secret source... maybe they do... customers.

Hey, customers always buy... in the good times and in the bad times.  They still have needs and still make purchases.  When you understand their needs and wants, you have the keys to keeping your business afloat when others are grounded.  Implement these three tactics successful marketers use, and you're set for success.

3 Innovative Ways To Build An Optin Email List That Stands Above The Crowd

With so many optin email lists out there, your really need to come up with a hook to attractive subscribers. It needs to have something special or different. It could be something you offer inside every newsletter issue, like interviews with experts. Or the hook could be a unique incentive that website vistors can take advantage of immediately when they sign up.

Here are 3 ideas you can use for your own sites, or use as inspiration to get you thinking a little outside of the box:

3 High-Impact Fixes For Your Marketing Woes

How many times has your competitor gotten one over on you?  The feeling of being left behind just eats away, until you do something about.  The problem is that we often feel that we've got to come up with some grand plan in order to get our business skyrocketing again.  Don't be fooled!  Getting back on top of the market isn't as tough as it seems with these high-impact, easy-to-use fixes.

1. The Magic Number - 1
Implement a "advertise 1 item at a time" motto for your advertising strategy.  Does that mean you can't SELL more than one item at a time?  No... but wait until AFTER the sale.

When a customer sees more than one of a product offered at unbelievably low prices, he's confused.  Which one is the better deal?  Which one does he prefer?  These questions encourage procrastination - one of marketing's greatest thieves.  Instead, offer the consumer a product that compliments his purchase in a nearby display... or even at the register.  You'll make extra profits instead of losing a sale.

3 Foolproof Ways To Soar Through A Recession

Winners are ALWAYS looking for ways to grow their business.  They trust their company, trust their customers to come through for them, and realize that a financial crunch offers advantages that aren't available during better economic times. 

1.  Get More For Your Advertising Bucks
When the economy makes a turn for the worse, it just makes sense that your advertising will give less of a return than during and economic boon.  Sure there's a lot less money being spent, but you don't have to have to watch your profit margin plummet!

Think about it... advertisers are feeling the recession just as much as you are, and are more desperate for clients.  It's the perfect atmosphere to negotiate your way to lower costs - even if you are already getting a good price.  Every advertising penny you can save, is that much more profit you'll earn on the products.

3 Foolproof Ways To Outsmart Your Competition

Let's face it...competition is here to stay.  There will always be someone waiting in the wings to woo your customers away from you and into their realm.  Yeah, you're always going to have to be on the lookout for new ways to outdo the competition, but there are 3 ways you can minimize the impact they have on your business.

1. Implement Unconventional Marketing Strategies
Standing out from the crowd is sometimes hard to do with so many businesses mimicking the marketing campaigns of their competitors.  Sure, we all want to be successful, and when we see others using a method and prospering there's an urge to jump on the band wagon and enjoy the same success.

Rather than joining the pack, look for ways to advertise that no one else is using. Internet marketing is a good example.  Most Internet marketers use ...you guessed it the Internet to market their products.  Why not get high impact postcards printed and use them to direct people to your Website?  Hey, no one else is doing it!

3 Effective Tactics Every Business Should Implement

Do you remember your first day as a business owner?  You were probably just like the rest of us... pretty darned happy and bit on the proud side.  Yeah, back then we thought we could conquer the world.  Now we're too busy conquering our own little corner of the world to pay a lot of attention to the rest of the world... unless it's to learn a few tips from successful marketers just like us who have made it big.  Tips just like these... that will apply to every market - regardless of the product or service - are a great motivators to try something new.  Yeah, you never know when the next idea will be worth a million dollars!

1.  Create  a Special Offer
A special offer is exactly that... an offer that is special.  Normally, customers would not be able to purchase this product or combination of products, and once the products are gone... sorry! 

You don't have to go out and order a bunch of new products to put together a special offer.  It don't take a whole lot... just use what you've got.  Grab a few items that are related, group them together, discount the price, and your customers will be excited to be getting a good deal.  Think about it from your standpoint... you've sold three or four items rather than one.  Yeah, combination offers are winning deals for everyone!